Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hospital~ Day 1

Ugh, what a weekend! Gabby was sick, horribly sick. I actually thought she was doing better because when she woke up Sunday morning she had no fever and her breathing was perfect. As the day went on she slowly got worse. She woke up at 2:45 with a massive blow out diaper and a temp of 105.6! Scary!! She has had a high fever like that before so I knew to try Motrin and if that didn't work to bring her to the E.R.~ luckily it worked rather quickly.

I got her an appointment to see our awesome pediatrician, Dr. Menzies, at noon. The doc walks in and no more than 30 seconds later- blow out number one. This works out well though because Dr. M wants some samples! Perfect! She takes one look at Gabby's arms and tells me she thinks Gabby needs to over to Blank for IV fluids because she can't find a vein. When you're dehydrated, your veins shrink up and it's really hard to see them to draw blood. She has to call the Life Flight nurse, Sarah, to come find a vein and do the blood draw because the LF nurses can get blood outta anybody! Sarah was great and only had to poke her once! Yay! You know Gabs was feeling like crap because she didn't cry, moan or even make a sound when she stuck the needle in! Next we were off to radiololgy for a chest x-ray. We make it back to the docs office just in time for blow out number two. Wow, I'm super stress out at this point! I haven't slept since 2:45 and I'm tired!! Dr. M comes in during this clean up to let me know my day was about to get a little worse. Gabby has a big ol pneumonia in her right lung. She shows me the x-ray and all the seemingly innocent white puffy clouds in her lungs. Now we know she's going to the hospital for sure.

After waiting for an hour or so we finally get a room at Blank. We are actually in the PICU because they have beds open. We have never been in PICU before so none of the nurses look familiar. We have been on the General Pediatrics floor so many times that they know Gabby by name. I quicky find out that the nursing staff here are great!! So no worries there! They got her IV going and started her on Rocephin (probably not spelling that right but oh well!!). Every other time Gabs has been hospitalized I have always stayed in the hospital with her. Casey is in Washington working, we have NO family in town any more and Rileigh is going through a no sleepover phase. The last two times she has tried to spend the night at a friend's house, she has ended up coming home at bedtime. She's got enough issues right now, I didn't want to make her upset. Plus, Gabs has been so tired I knew she would just sleep. So I left the hospital around 7:00.

I must say, as guilty as I felt for leaving Gabby alone, I actually had a pretty relaxing night. I didn't have to change any poopy diapers or make any Keto Formula or get any snacks ready or do any nebulizer treatments or any tube feedings and I didn't have to crush any meds. Wow! I felt a little lost with so little to do! Usually before bedtime is a hectic time for me trying to do everything that needs to be done! I was so tired that Ri and I got in our jammies and crashed out at 9:00! I soooo needed a good night's sleep!!

Is it possible that I have the greatest friend and neighbors?? Everyone has been so supportive and helpful! It is so appreciated! :)

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