Monday, April 13, 2009

First Blog

So here is my first ever blog post. I just want a place where I can get out what I need to get out and just talk about whatever!

Today hasn't been the best day! Aside from being a rainy dreary Monday, Casey left last night to go to work in Washington state. Rileigh was really upset this morning after realizing that daddy was really gone. I know it must be so hard for her. Poor girl has so many obsticles in her life, she's such a good girl!

She actually starts therapy next week. She's had some issues we've noticed over the past few years. I think we first noticed it when she was in Kindergarten. When she would get really upset, she would hurt herself. She'd pull her own hair, or scratch her arms, or pinch herself. It breaks my heart. Over the past 3 years I've only seen her do it maybe 10 times, so it's not like she's constantly doing it, but still enough to make me worry. She has told me that she has a hard time dealing with having Gabby for her sister. She wishes that she had a sister who could talk and play with her. She also feels like Gabby gets all of the attention, which is true a lot of the time, only because Gabby can't do much on her own and needs constant attention-like a baby would. I would LOVE not to have to give Gabby so much attention, but I have no choice. Rileigh also thinks her face isn't pretty, that she's stupid, dumb and a looser. We have always told her that she's beautiful, smart and caring. Humph..............I just want her to be happy. I hope therapy helps.

As far as Gabby goes, there seems to always be something going on with her! Currently, we're dealing with poop not read on if you don't wanna hear about poo!! She's been having loose stools for months now and we've always attributed it to one thing or another. I just got some test results back on Friday showing that she isn't absorbing fat which in turn just runs straight through. Ugh!!! At least we finally have an answer! Now I just hope there is something we can do about it! I'm a bit scared that we may have to take her off of the Ketogenic Diet that she is on to help control her epilepsy. The diet has helped, but considering she's not getting the fat she needs on the diet, it hasn't taken her seizures completely away. Stella, her Keto Dietitan, thinks that if we can do something about the fat absorbtion, that maybe her seizure control will get even better! So fingers crossed for that!

Ok, so it's 2:07 in the afternoon and I haven't even showered yet. Suppose I should go do that before the day is done!

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