Friday, April 24, 2009

84 Degrees in April

Today was a beautiful day!! We made plans to go to the Waukee Fire Department this morning. My new neighbor, Matt, is a Firefighter there so he said he'd give us a private tour and the kids could sit in all of the trucks. Levi, my four year old across the street neighbor, is obsessed with Firefighters and fire trucks so he was super excited. The kids had a great time checking out all of the equipment and even got to see where the Firefighters sleep when they spend the night at the station. I was bummed because I wasn't allowed to slide down the pole ;)

We hit a few garage sales after (first ones of the season!!!). Didn't find much. Rileigh has been bugging me to get her a dry erase board and I found a big one for $2.00 so I got that. Everything at that garage sale was so overpriced!! I hate that. If your gonna do a GS don't you just wanna get rid of stuff?? Why charge $15.00 for a kid's outfit?? I think the most you should charge for clothes at a GS is $5.00 and it had better be damn nice!! Oh, I also got a net for our basketball hoop. It hasn't had one since we moved in. I got one for $0.50!!! Only bad part is that it's NEON green. I think it may glow in the dark. Oh well, it was cheap!! Big thanks to Carrie, my neighbor, for hauling her ladder over and hanging the net up for me!!

Later in the afternoon the kids were all getting hot, so off went the clothes and they all ended up in their April!!! Levi just had his birthday not too long ago and he got lots of squirt guns so water fights were inevitable. I think they were all really tired though, because they were getting really crabby.

All in all it was a fun day. We topped it off by grilling out and having brownies and ice cream for dessert. Looking forward to more nice days!!!!

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